Grieving the end of a relationship can be painful for both parties. When we mourn the end of a relationship, it’s normal to miss your ex and the way you felt in that relationship. In healing from the pain that comes after a breakup, we need to accept, let go, and move forward. One way of accomplishing that is by using a journal to get our thoughts, feelings and prayers out.
You uncover what you’re going through and feeling, then work through solutions while writing. Physically writing down your thoughts and feelings can also help you learn more about what happened and what you want.
Understand How Journaling Can Change Your Life
Journaling about what is most meaningful to you can change your daily mood and your life. When you journal, you can write down positive thoughts, clarify personal goals, and keep track of your success.
Sometimes it can be difficult to start journaling. Journal prompts help you explore a stream of consciousness and guide you with questions to process how you’re feeling.
Use these questions to help yourself heal a broken heart:
1. What things do I miss from the relationship? What can I do to give myself those things I miss?
There are things we miss from relationships, like our ex’s company. What can you do to replace what you miss? For example, if you miss having company, maybe you can invite a friend or family member out to dinner.
2. What love story have I been telling myself that no longer serves me? How would I like to change that story?
Maybe you’ve been telling yourself that you need a partner to be happy. What stories about love have you believed? Are they still serving you?
3. What parts of myself do I want to change?
Are there any parts of yourself you want to leave behind? Maybe you lost your independence in the relationship, or you might notice that you are slightly impatient.
4. In what ways can I show up for myself when no one else can?
What do you need right now? What can you do to show up for yourself? Maybe it’s going on a walk, taking a bath, or cooking your favorite meal.
5. Describe your ideal day.
What does your ideal day look like? What time do you wake up? What do you do after you wake up? What kind of activities fill your day? What can you do to create more ideal days in your life?
6. List five things you feel grateful for.
Study after study shows that grateful people are more likely to take care of themselves and make healthier choices. To increase gratitude in your daily life, journal about 1-3 things you are grateful for each day.
7. What did I dislike about my relationship? How did the relationship limit my life? What will be better about life without the relationship?
It’s great to explore the reality of what you disliked about the relationship. Start thinking about how the relationship limited you and how you can grow without it.
8. How did I grow from the relationship? How can I grow from this breakup?
Focusing on how you can grow gets you out of the victim mentality. Instead of staying within the victim mentality of feeling resentful, you can shift your focus onto what you can control instead.
Above all, remember that healing the pain takes time. Heartbreak is never easy.
However, journaling can help you create compassion, joy, and confidence.
Start with one journal prompt. This will help you explore your feelings, discover the root of your pain, and start moving on.

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