5 Tips to Overcome the Emotional Devastation of Divorce

5 Tips to Overcome the Emotional Devastation of Divorce

5 Tips to Overcome the Emotional Devastation of Divorce

Divorce is terribly difficult. In addition to getting through all the details that divorce entails, you may feel abandoned, cheated on, and alone. It may bring you some comfort to know that many have been through it already, and now there are some proven techniques you can use to overcome the negative emotions and move forward.

Try these strategies to triumph over the emotional tribulations of your divorce:

1. Remain calm.

Going into a panic will make your challenges worse. When you remain calm, you’ll be better able to carry on with your daily obligations such as work and other responsibilities.

Seeing a counselor or coach can help you work through your emotions. Just knowing that you have help in getting through this tough time makes it easier to remain calm as you tackle your challenges.

3 Introductory Session with Coach Ang

Practice stress-reducing techniques like meditation, positive self-talk, and taking part in activities that you enjoy. Schedule this time for yourself just as you would any other important activity.

Take time to reflect on what’s still good about your life. Even though everything seems to be falling apart, some good things remain. List them and read your list whenever you start to feel overwhelmed.

2. Build an ample support system with friends and loved ones.

When you have an ample support system, you’ll be able to feel more confident as you’re going through the divorce process.

Utilize friends, church family, neighbors, or relatives for a sounding board if you need to.

They can also help with various other needs, such as daycare for children or helping with the household chores. Others will usually be glad to help. Just let them know what you need.

3. Join a Christian support group.

A support group can offer many benefits. Divorce Care is a popular support group among churches. The members of the group have been through the same thing as what you’re going through. They will have all kinds of information to share on what they did to overcome different situations in their divorce.

If you run into bitter people in the group, and it’s overwhelming, try a different group.

4. Wait to begin dating.

When you’re fresh out of a divorce, it’s more comforting to have friends than to engage in a love relationship. You’ll be in a vulnerable position right after your divorce and having a relationship too soon will only lead to heartbreak.

When you start a relationship, you’ll want to be able to think about it in a positive way, without being bitter. These positive thoughts are hard to come by directly after your divorce.

5. Remain cooperative with your ex-spouse.

Especially if there are children involved, it’s beneficial for all of you if you can be civil to each other.

If you can’t remain cooperative at all, ensure that you have ample legal help for any difficulties that might arise.

Using these strategies will help to ease you through your divorce. Don’t be afraid to reach out to friends, relatives, and neighbors. Contact a counselor, coach or a local support group for more assistance. Overcoming divorce is a difficult process. Know that you’re not alone, and you’ll be able to get through it and move on.

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